Work to Date

Discover how we’re transforming challenges into opportunities for growth and sustainability at Domtar Kingsport Mill.

Next Steps for Odor Mitigation

We are Working Parallel Paths to Address Odor Issues

Short and Medium-Term: 0-12 months

  • Continue to reduce mill material losses and flow
  • Optimize current wastewater treatment system
  • Engineering/capital gate process for long-term solution
  • Environmental permitting for long-term solution 

Long-Term Solution: ~ 18 months

  • Implement anaerobic digester system/aerobic system

Q1 2024

Discussions with equipment/technology suppliers and began FEL  process


Q2 2024

Reduce H2S formation in lagoon and primary clarifier through additional chemical and mechanical means

Q3 - Q4 2024

Determine environmental permit requirements through FEL process for modified/alternative wastewater treatment system

Q4 2024

Complete FEL process for engineering and capital authorization for long-term solution

Q3 2024 – Q1 2025

Prepare for and conduct dredging in lagoon settling zone

Q4 2024 – Q4 2025

Execute work on modified/ alternative wastewater treatment system

Q4 2025 – Q1 2026

Start-up modified/alternative wastewater treatment system

Continue to consult with wastewater operations experts, evaluate options to supply additional oxygen to the lagoon.

Remain focused on reducing material losses and flow to the wastewater treatment system, optimize current system. 

Maintain regular addition of chemical oxidants to wastewater to minimize odor, install and evaluate other mitigation options. 

Install a mobile water clarifier to improve the overall biological health of the water treatment system, evaluate system daily to determine efficacy. 

Finalize lagoon dredge plan for solids removal in the settling zone, evaluate bids to select a vendor. 

Engineering design underway for alternative long-term wastewater treatment system; initiate applicable environmental permitting.

Additional Community Investments

Removal of median at truck entrance on Center Street

This will give trucks more room to enter the staging area

Paving of Cloud Park trailer staging area

This will eliminate dusting issues for nearby businesses

Center Street landscaping

Landscaping and beautification project

I-26 signage improvements

This will help trucks navigate to the proper lane to enter our business

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